To purchase chances visit our Donate page. Donations will be made through PayPal. To be sure you get your chances and FlyerTalk gets credit, use the link “Add special instructions to recipient” and in the special instructions box write “FlyerTalk – [and include FT handle or name].” Please give, even if you know you can’t take the ride; just make a note “FlyerTalk – no ride.” Any amount of money is appreciated. Contributions go straight to the fund. Captain Denny will keep track of those given by FlyerTalkers and report back to this thread regularly.
The drawing will be held the evening of September 7th and the winner will be notified by email. This is truly a unique opportunity. Not only is this high-performance aircraft a part of history, but it is one of the few two-seat racing aircraft that can give rides. The ride will take place at a mutually agreed date in St. Louis at Creve Coeur Field (five miles from St. Louis Lambert Airport). The specific date and time of the ride will be coordinated between the winner and John Lohmar. The winner will provide their own transportation and lodging (if needed).
NEW: A second place prize has been added to this raffle. The winner and two guests will get to fly the 787 simulator in Houston at a future date. The winner and guests will provide their own transportation and lodging (if needed).